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New Year, New You: How vision boards can help you and your kids set your intention for 2021

It’s a new year - time for a fresh start.

One thing many of us do to mark a new year is set resolutions (aka goals).

What we don’t usually do is think about helping our kids set goals of their own.

And we totally should.

The process of goal-setting is helpful for gaining clarity about where we are and where we want to be. This is an important life skill. And one we don’t want to miss out on teaching our kids.

Goal-setting can feel difficult and overwhelming…..for everyone.

Sometimes we get so bogged down in the details, we miss the bigger picture. We’re afraid we’re doing it “wrong” and that makes it hard to do it at all.

This is where a vision board can come in handy.

A vision board is like scrapbooking, but bigger.

It’s fun, and not nearly so formulaic.

A vision board gives us a picture of what we want to aspire to, without the constraints of a bulleted list.

The process of creating a vision board is something that can be enjoyed by all ages - even little ones!

Here are 4 simple steps to create vision boards with your family, giving you all something to look forward to and work toward all year long.

Step 1: Talk it out with your kids.

Chances are, your kids don’t know what a vision board is.

That’s okay. This is your chance to explain what one is and why creating one is an exciting way to celebrate the start of a new year.

At this point, you can start talking to your kids about what things they’d like to achieve in 2021.

Keep the conversation easy. Don’t pressure them. Just get the wheels turning.

What’s important is getting your kids thinking about their future - what they want and how they can make it happen.

Writing goals down on a piece of paper
via Big Life Journal

Step 2: Set the atmosphere.

If you want to truly make the most of this experience, you’ve got to get the creative juices flowing.

That means setting up your space for success.

Set out snacks, turn on music or a podcast, pull out every single art supply you own - and be sure to stock up beforehand.

Here is a list of art supplies you might want to pick up (if you don’t have them already).

  • poster board
  • scissors
  • glue/glue sticks
  • old magazines (ask friends for theirs too!)
  • colored paper
  • markers
  • stickers
  • glitter
  • stencils

Most of these are totally optional, but let’s be real….everything’s better with glitter.

Arts and crafts supplies
via Getty

Step 3: It's time to create.

Once you have all your supplies together, it's time to jump in and get to making.

Your boards can look any way you like.

Fill them with pictures and quotes that make you happy and inspire you.

Be sure to explain to your kids that the process is more important than the product.

But, if you don't like the way it turns out, you can always have a do-over.

Once your vision board is complete, find a place to hang it where you'll see it every single day.

Keep your goals fresh on your mind and you'll naturally make choices that propel you in the right direction.

via Cherish 365

Step 4: Prioritize this time together.

For maximum impact, be sure to prioritize this time together with your kids.

Deciding on individual and family goals is a great way to set yourselves up for success in 2021.

Designate this a family night and mark it on the calendar. Turn off the TV. Get rid of distractions.

And make sure you participate too.

Let your kids see you create a vision board and set your intention for 2021.

Be the example.

You set the tone for your family. If your kids see that this is a priority for you, it will be a priority for them too. And after 2020, most of us could use a reset.

Who knows? This may even become a beloved family tradition.

Mom and daughter crafting
via Getty

Wrapping it up

Vision boards are not only a fun art project, but they’re a great way to introduce the skill of goal-setting to kids of all ages.

And there’s no better time to set goals than the new year.

Disclaimer - if you’re reading this and it isn’t the new year anymore, don’t fret. While the new year brings with it a clean slate, there’s no need to wait. Grab your kids and get to work on your vision boards now. You don’t need a new year, or even a Monday, to work toward the life you want. You just need to be willing to take the first step.

a girl sharing her vision board
via Cherish 365

We’re all ears!

What are your family goals for 2021? We’d love to hear from you. Find us on all our social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Amy Thetford

Amy Thetford

Amy is a freelance writer and homeschooling mom to her tribe of tiny humans. She's fueled by coffee and the desire to do ALL. THE. THINGS. She blogs about all things motherhood at