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Celebrating World Kindness Day: How 'One Small Act' Of Kindness During the Holiday Season Can Make A World Of Difference

World Kindness Day is almost here — November 13, 2021!

What is World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day is an internationally recognized holiday that was started in 1998 to promote kindness all around the world.

How can we celebrate kindness not only in November but all year round?

That’s what we’re going to share today.

To start, we’re excited to announce that Pinna has a new Original podcast premiering just in time for Wold Kindness Day — One Small Act, produced in partnership with Kindness Factory and Kaplan Inc.. The premiere episode will feature Kath Koschel, founder of the Kindness Factory curriculum — the cornerstone of the show. The episode will introduce the series and 12 attributes of kindness: collaboration, compassion, empathy, trust, humor, gratitude, honesty, humility, mindfulness meditation, perspective, positivity, and self-acceptance.

Starting in January and continuing the whole year, tune in every month, to hear a new One Small Act episode exploring each attribute of kindness through interviews with, and stories about, real kids making a difference.

Below, we’re also sharing some simple ways your family can show kindness this holiday season.

Let’s get started.

25 Ways Families Can Show Kindness This Holiday Season

We've come up with a collection of 25 small acts of kindness both parents and kids (and some for the whole family) that can help make this holiday season a bit nicer.

  1. Hold the door open for someone at the store.
  2. Bake cookies and take them to your local police station or fire department.
  3. Make Christmas cards and take them to a nursing home for the residents.
  4. Smile at the next person you pass while walking down the street.
  5. Take a meal to a new mom or a family going through a difficult time.
  6. Invite a lonely neighbor over for coffee and chit chat.
  7. Leave a thank you note for your mail carrier.
  8. Kids can call grandparents and ask them about their childhood.
  9. Stick a sweet note in your child’s lunchbox.
  10. Return someone’s cart at the store.
  11. Paint kindness rocks and leave them hidden around your neighborhood.
  12. Donate outgrown clothing to a charity that helps families in need.
  13. Leave a positive review online when you experience good service at a store or restaurant.
  14. Pay for the drink order of the car or person in line behind you at the coffee shop.
  15. Set out water bottles and snacks for overworked delivery drivers.
  16. Bring your neighbor’s garbage cans up for them.
  17. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  18. Take your kids shopping and let them pick out a few toys to donate to Toys for Tots.
  19. Grab bags and gloves and pick up litter in your neighborhood.
  20. Send a care package to deployed soldiers.
  21. Donate old blankets and towels to your local animal shelter.
  22. Leave change in a vending machine.
  23. Write a kind note and hide it in a library book for the next patron to find.
  24. Offer your seat to an elderly person.
  25. Help a neighbor carry in their groceries.

The Wrap-Up

The theme of today’s post is kindness and how we can live out this important virtue in our everyday lives. We hope you feel inspired to show kindness everywhere you go.

Don’t forget to check out One Small Act when it premieres on November 13th!

We’re all ears!

What small ways can you and your family show kindness this holiday season? We’d love to hear from you! Find us on all our social platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest – or email us at

Amy Thetford

Amy Thetford

Amy is a freelance writer and homeschooling mom to her tribe of tiny humans. She's fueled by coffee and the desire to do ALL. THE. THINGS. She blogs about all things motherhood at