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5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun for Kids!

Spring has finally sprung — in most places anyway.

The weather is warming up and you might be getting the urge to do some spring cleaning.

With kids underfoot, that can present a bit of a challenge.

Kids and chores....they don’t always mix well.

If you want to involve them, you’ve got to make it fun.

How can you do that?

We’re glad you asked!

We’ve got 5 tips to make spring cleaning fun!

Let’s get started.

5 Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun for Kids

1. Check out the Clean Up playlist on Pinna.

Set the mood with the Clean Up Playlist on Pinna.

It’s a collection of short stories, podcast episodes, and music that inspires kids to get up and moving.

2. Choose age-appropriate chores for your child.

When involving your kids in the upkeep of your home (a totally good thing by the way! life skills ftw!), it’s important to choose chores that are age-appropriate.

If you assign chores that your child isn’t developmentally ready for, it’s only going to cause frustration and fights.

Check out this list from The Spruce of age-appropriate chores for kids to get your wheels turning.

3. Get your child’s input when it comes to the chore list.

Use the age-appropriate chore guide listed above as a starting point when figuring out how to assign chores to your child.

But, don’t let it stop you from getting your child’s input on what they’d like to do.

They may prefer dishes, or sweeping, or folding laundry. You won’t know until you ask.

They’re much more likely to cooperate if they’ve got some buy-in.

4. Let your child take ownership of their work.

When they do a chore, be proud of their effort.

Don’t go back and redo what they’ve done.

It’s okay to show them the correct way to do something, but do be okay with letting them figure it out themselves.

Who knows? They might just figure out an easier or better way to do a chore they typically don’t like.

5. Take plenty of breaks.

All work and no play makes for a very dull day.

Kids don’t have super long attention spans (and let’s be real, we adults don’t either!).

Be sure to break up your cleaning marathon with plenty of breaks.

You can have cookies and lemonade, head to the park, or crank up the music and have a little dance party.

Whatever you do, make it fun and it’ll get done.

The Wrap-Up

If spring cleaning is on your to-do list, put these tips into practice so you can involve your kids and make your space feel fresh and new.

We’re all ears!

What are you gonna clean first? We’d love to hear from you! Find us on all our social platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest – or email us at

Amy Thetford

Amy Thetford

Amy is a freelance writer and homeschooling mom to her tribe of tiny humans. She's fueled by coffee and the desire to do ALL. THE. THINGS. She blogs about all things motherhood at